Also, I have a new guitar:

“Because people who have seasonal jobs in the states—landscapers, some types of contractors, etc.—they don’t like working in the colder months. They buy a few cars in the states in the fall, fill ‘em with stuff, drive them to Central America, sell the stuff, and then live off the profits for the winter like kings and queens!”
Mateo took a bite of his grouper taco.
Still chewing, he added, “Hey, I make $1,000 a week busting my butt driving a cab in Manhattan. Why would I stay there in the winter when it’s freezing when I could relax by the beach for a few months in my home country? It doesn’t make sense. Once I sell these cars, I’ll relax for three months in El Salvador and have a little vacation. Little! Hah!” He laughed at the simplicity of it all.
My son. My son has gotten older. He's still effeminate.
What the hell am I supposed to buy an effeminate 26 year old man?
You would think by now he's made up his mind to spend the rest of his life that way.
Manly Stuff.
Power tools. Books about motorcycles. Insulated flannel. Yeah, there's always a chance.
My turn at the line!
Been a little busy over the last few weeks. I just bought the Cansei de Ser Sexy record. The American release, anyway. Can't believe I waited this long, I'd been listening to "Let's Make Love..." for a long time. I'm in love with Lovefox. It's true. The whole record deserves some discussion, instead of just unjustified praise. It's really simple, it's really well done, it's deadly. It's everything that would make you fall in love with a woman... me, anyway. From the fun of "Alcohol", to the libido and sarcasm of "Meeting Paris Hilton" and "Off The Hook," to the vitriol of "This Month, Day 10," it's a big beautiful pile of fun songs that cross a broad range of human emotion and a way of looking at it that I'm really into.
Also, the hot beats, and the way it's sung. Goddamn you half Japanese girls. Music is my girlfriend.
Speaking of which, I've a gig this Saturday, Dec 1st, at the Lamp Post in Jersey City. We're playing with Screaming Females, which has me very excited and kinda nervous, they're very good. I'll just shove that nervousness down there with my socks. We've been practicing for this one, and we've some new songs to boot. The Lamp Post is a cool joint, and I'm hoping we can make it another *place* to go see live rock music in this area. It's really accessible and I actually know the folks who work there! Rock!
If you want to come, know that it starts at 10pm, and it's a 21+ joint. It's at 382 2nd St, Jersey City, NJ 07302.
25th annual Metro show
reception: thursday 11/15:6-8 pm
6 crawford st
newark NJ
come to newark and hang out!
I haven't listened to the Dismemberment Plan in about a year and a half. Maybe two. I had an overdose back in college, couldn't really get into T-Mo's solo stuff, and I moved on.
Tonight for kicks I put on some tracks from Is Terrified and Emergency & I and one things stands out in particular that frightens me:
I can't listen to these songs anymore, they're TOO SLOW! ...
So... anybody dig the new Daughters record yet?
I prefer Melt Banana, myself, they know when to end a song, and they're actually sexy.