Sunday, January 04, 2009

"I don't care how long it takes"


“I’m pushing that around because I’m a homeless man who became fed up with the way people are treated in this country. After Katrina, I was pushed outta the place where I was staying and I decided that instead of just going quietly, I would do something about the injustices I witnessed taking place all around me. I wanted to tell Americans that the world doesn’t have to be controlled by people who care more about themselves than the good of mankind. I decided to walk as a form of protest with the hopes of one day generating publicity, mobilizing the masses, and starting a third political party to overthrow the electoral college and help put a leader in office who will really care about the majority of Americans—which is folks like you and me, you know? I’m pushing this cart until I see a change. I don’t care how long it takes—this is what I’ve been called on by the Lord to do.”

That's pretty moving, even if it's a tad crazy.

Apparently this really impressed these fellas:

This is one of the problems you have to work thru when you are in a group. Having Trust and loyality to our group will be very important. Our lifes depend on it.Being a good guy can get you killed. It is a little hard to hide your preps when your house is full with supplies. The UPS guy, my neighbors watching me build stuff,and my wife who complaints about my guns to her sisters.I then have my brother inlaw who is a bleeding heart liberal and thinks I'm loosing it.

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